Welcome to Cloudtower Archives! A site dedicated on providing accurate information on the cartoon "The Winx Club", along with games, graphics and other goodies for you to enjoy.
5/12/12 We now have a tumblr! The link's here!
1/20/12 Aisha's profile is now up. I fixed Puzzle 6 and uploaded 6 more puzzles.
1/19/12 I added ten new pngs and updated the information in Bloom's profile. I also started rewriting her bio. Stella's profile file had been here, but not linked to the characters page, so I linked that.
1/16/12 Happy New Years Guys! Sorry for the lack of updates and for the SOPA stuff taking up the entire index page. When I put it up I was running late for class and I hadn't gotten around to taking it down. SOPA is still a threat and this site will be going black on January 18th and will be back up on the 19th. If you are interested in helping fight SOPA you can go here. But in regular site news, I've added two new layouts for you to download that I found in wiht some old files and two pngs. Enjoy!
8/8/11 Yesterday I added the link to the Cloudtower Archives Youtube account and now the gallery will open in a new window. I also added my Winx Club items, tey'll be pictuers later.
7/10/11 Updated Flora's profile. I just need to add the bio and then its' complete. I also added some new pngs and offical art. Side note, Cloudtower Archives has a Youtube account now. Click Here.
7/5/11/ Just a small update for today. I added a few new images and we have a new affilate, Winx Helina.
6/27/11 8:17 EST I tried to cap the episode using EasyCap and Ulead, but unfortunately, it wasn't working. Hopefully it will be on reruns sometime soon.
6/27/11 5:13 PM EST I uploaded a ton of new PNGs!
6/27/11 4:54 PM EST I uploaded the Nick preview clips to the gallery. More updates to come!
6/27/11 1:43 PM EST I uploaded new images in the gallery. I added thirty something images from Winx on Tour and a few images from the Nick winx website. I'm about half way through screencapping the Nick previews, they should be up in a couple of hours.
6/27/11 12:06 PM EST I wasn't sure I would be able to get it up in time, but I did. I'm very excited for the Winx special on Nick tonight, so in honor of this, I will be posting updates with content throughout the day. Currently, I'm screencapping the preview clips that Nick has on their website. Go watch them!
Update 6/20/11 I have to apologize. Layout issues have really slowed down the revamp. I also have a few other web projects up and coming, namely a Legend of Zelda Let's Play that I'm doing with a friend. I am in the process of making a web site for our let's play along with this site. I also do have content that I want to spell check on this site. I also have new content that I am creating for both sites. My goal is to get everythign up and running before the Winx premeire on Nick, but I'm not making any promises. Hopefullly we'll be up and running soon.
Update 6/7/11 So the revamp is taking longer than expected.
Update 5/29/11 I'm having issues with the layout so far and recently had issues with my internet connection. I've put a lot of time into the layout, so I really don't want to scrap it. It'll probably take longer than I expected to get it up. I may put end up putting up a temporary layout in order to get the site up and running again.

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This site is in no way assocaited with any of the listed companies. Site content created by K.F.